It’s Simply a Beautiful Library
Many resources are are free from some reputable (Please see caveats) and peer reviewed journals and on-line textbooks
Open Library
Please contribute to our library by sending us Science based textbooks that are founded on accurate and TRUE Science
Responsive Apprach to Learning
Please make sure to review our caveats as regards any “FREE” Library.
- Our Mission
- Future Students
- Our Vision
- Getting Around The Campus
- Opthalmic Library
- Online Courses
- Campus Clubs
- Technology Services
- Opthalmic Literature
Fulfilled Students Study Here
The Hawai’i School of True Science (HSTS) Academy is a private, organization (under Computer Integrations, Inc, founded in 2001). The mission of this Academy is to educate students in person and on line -including home schoolers and university students – in order to promote true scientific research & education in the State of Hawai’i that will propagate to the rest of the world.
This Academy is dedicated to develop programs and research for the sciences and learning communities based on True Science and -Research Based on Observations- and not on scientism – questionable theories or unfounded ideological leanings.
In this respect we are no different than the Founders of early modern science- such as Johannes Kleper, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, John Dalton, William Morley, George Stokes, Dr. William Prout, Charles Stine, James Maxwell, and countless other late-nineteen and earlier century scientists – who acknowledged that a rational mind is behind the order, design, and creation of the Universe (Meyer, 2009) and (Plourde, McManamy, Snyder, Meier, & Simpson, 2014).
The principals have taught at the University of Hawaii STEM based subjects, and at various other schools and universities in the USA and South America.
Dynamic Content
Our Mission
Hawaii On Line Unviversity and The Hawai’i School of True Science (HSTS) Academy are a private, organization (under Computer Integrations, Inc, founded in 2001). The mission of this Academy is to educate students in person and on line -including home schoolers and university students – in order to promote true scientific research & education that will propagate to the rest of the world.
This Academy is dedicated to develop programs and research for the sciences and learning communities based on True Science and -Research Based on Observations- and not on scientism – questionable theories or unfounded ideological leanings.
In this respect we are no different than the Founders of early modern science- such as Johannes Kleper, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, John Dalton, William Morley, George Stokes, Dr. William Prout, Charles Stine, James Maxwell, and countless other late-nineteen and earlier century scientists – who acknowledged that a rational mind is behind the order, design, and creation of the Universe (Meyer, 2009) and (Plourde, McManamy, Snyder, Meier, & Simpson, 2014).
The principals have taught at the University of Hawaii STEM based subjects, and at various other schools and universities in the USA and South America.
Caveats to the following Library Links
Some caveats regarding the “Evolutionary” skewed statements by the Majority of FREE On-Line Libraries
Some of the following material from On Line Libraries links noted here might be outdated or ideologically biased.
Some of the write ups, “research” and statements (published by On Line Libraries links noted here or during their lectures) in these classes are biased towards their secularly skewed religious beliefs such as their evolutionary biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy and or other of the sciences that have been compromised by evolutionary false teachings of today. *
Please, remember that the “evolution of man” is a religious belief taught, although unproven, by modern day atheistic educators.
Follow the following link to access other FREE library resources.
We are always incorporating New Features to our Library
Our vision is to see True Science vindicated once again and to correct false thinking, so that all children, from birth to – K – 12, to university students all over the world, learn the truth about life’s origins with True Facts – without being bullied into believing made up theories and ideas – that are based on unprovable science – and questionable “facts” about the true origin of man, and the universe that surrounds us.
Campus Hours
Utilize our renown library resources 24 hours a day. The Campus student lab is open according to the Kilauea Visitor’s Center schedule, except when Civil Protection Agency from Hawaii closes the roads to Mauna Loa vents. All researchers MUST obtain permits and authorizations from the civil authorities in order to access any of Kilauea’s vents and or eruption zones without exception.
Please identify yourself as a Hawaii On-Line University student and call the Volcano authorities BEFORE you arrive in order to get details on how to work and do research at the Mauna Loa vents
Parking Stucture
Please check with Mauna Loa authorities for proper parking and Park hours
Student Housing
Since we are a virtual university all accomodations must be made privately by students with hotels and or B&B homes here in Hawaii
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Science and Technology Friendly- But Never Compromising
We are a Science Friendly University