Master’s Degree in Apologetics and Biblical Theory- Program

Master’s Degree Program

Please Note that : Tuition does not include any of the required textbooks. You may purchase any textbook required for this program at your favorite book dealer or  

ACCREDITATION: ( is not an accredited institution by the Dept of Hawaii of any other regulatory organization in the USA. )

Hawaii On-Line virtual University Master’s degree  programs will allow students, who take their research and studies seriously, to excel in a variety of academic, theological and ministry fields .

Our Master’s degree programs will equip you with the proper biblical and ministry training that are required to be competitive in your professional life and may open the door to obtaining a doctoral degree with us in Biblical studies, and the sciences offered.

Type of Fee Amount Payment Due
Application Fee $50
* At the time of application. NON-REFUNDABLE- See conditions
Reactivation Fee $100

If program is not finished within 2 years,  and student decides to return

Tuition fee $52/credit

Free During the course of studies. See Conditions *

See conditions at end of course to obtain you DIPLOMA. Cost for this Masters degree.

1 copy of Official Transcripts $100  Upon request
* Graduation  Fee


Capstone/ Thesis Dissertation

$ 195



This is applied toward your graduation and printing of your Master’s diploma. Does not include travel for graduation ceremonies. See conditions


Staff Committee Thesis Review

Other Career Fields Available under Master’s tutoring Program

  • Masters in Education

  SELF STUDY courses: Get enrolled today, and enjoy the following benefits:

  • Flexibility: Enjoy maximum flexibility and freedom. Study from your home, workplace or anywhere else.
  • Affordability: Earn your degree at the most affordable fee plan. Financial Aid Options also available.
  • Completely Self-Paced: Have total control of your study schedule, pattern and pace.
  • Fast-Paced: You can complete your degree sooner than you think.
  • Credit Transfer Evaluation: We will evaluate all your prior credits. Pay $100 to transfer your prior credits.
  • Personalized Students Area with Online Classrooms
  • Education Verification Services: Verification services through phone, fax, email or online.
  • Advice Available : Advisors are available via email to answer any of your questions.

Master of Arts In Christian Apologetics & Science


Requirement Courses / Min Hours Details
Total # of Courses 6 courses (30 Hours) Core & Electives
Core Course Req’d Minimum 4 Only Authorized Texts
Electives Courses Maximum 2 Only-Authorized Texts or Material
Thesis/ Project in Ministry 20 Hours Credit 40-60 pages

TUITION *See condition

Note Important: Tuition DOES NOT include any core or electives textbooks. Does not include any seminars with Harvard University. (These electives must be paid by you).

All textbook or additional material must be purchased by you, at your desired book distributor or if you like via

TUITION- Master’s Program

TIME TO COMPLETION: IT MAY TAKE BETWEEN 2 TO 4 YEARS, OR MORE to complete this program. (It may take less of more, depending on your own progress)

Deferred Tuition
Conditional Study FREE until you finish your program.

Initially: The only thing you have to pay for is Registration:

The cost to register for this program is $ 50 US dollars. This is a NON-REFUNDABLE fee. Please be sure to read and verify that you will want to engage in this program of study- before you pay for this Registration Fee.

Conditional Free Cost while you study the Program:

This is a rigorous study, rigorous research and rigorous investigative program that will prepare you as in any other university in the world.

You MUST pass each course, and all written assignments with a minimum passing grade of “C”. All rules of English, Syntax, Grammar and punctuation will be CAREFULLY graded before you obtain a passing grade. (Contrary to nay-Sayers, we are NOT a Diploma Mill).

We are a learning institution that requires you to study and carefully research the program/subject matter as in any other Ivy League or Reputable university in the world.

* Hawaii On Line University reserves the right to issue any certificate of completion or degree diploma to any one, unless you have completed to our satisfaction (Hawaii On Line University’s) the required program of study and capstone thesis requirements.

*All Students must provide proper ID throughout their course of study AND AT THE COMPLETION of their studies in order to verify their proper student Identity before DIPLOMA is issued.

Cost to obtain certification that you have completed and graduated with a Master’s degree will be $ 2,600 US dollars.

Graduation exercises costs if any, at our home base in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, will be decided at time of your and date of commencement or graduation ceremonies. (This cost- is absorbed by you, the student- and may include costs for your air-fare, your hotel stay, you graduation dinner and ceremonies at a determined place in the vicinity of our university).


Note Important: Tuition and or registration DOES NOT include any core or electives textbooks. Does not include any seminars with Harvard University or any other universities. (These and all electives costs must be paid by you).

All textbook or additional material must be purchased by you, at your desired book distributor or if you like via


The Master of Arts In Christian Apologetics & Science Research Studies degree is designed for students who have accomplished a Bachelor degree in Liberal Arts, Sciences and or Bible based study of the scriptures through an accredited university, or from Hawaii On Line University of Theological studies, or any other acceptable Theological degree granting school. (We must receive acceptable transcripts before acceptance to this program.)

This program will enable the student or approved candidate to continue his or her studies, learning and advance in the studies of the area of evangelism, missionary work, and a develop a leading role in a Christian or Judeo – Christian based church to help them grow strong in the Godly-Christian work and training.

The program consists of six (6) core-courses, developed via reading and careful research through assigned textbooks and other material, which are the equivalent of 30 hours of study.

Additionally there is a ministry- thesis project, which is the equivalent of twenty hours of study. It also includes a distance learning course from Harvard University.


Texts will need to be selected from the list of Authorized Textbooks shown below. You may, if you want, order all textbooks at once, in order to start reading ahead. However, all assignments must be submitted FIRST one by one, or one at a time. They must be graded and then submit the next one.

Once a textbook is read, the associate candidate must perform additional research and submit a 15 page * paper describing in your own words what was read and be submitted for grading. * Grading of papers may include use of tools such as “grammarly” and other tools.  (Student agrees, hereby to the use of such tools, as a condition of this program of study). Please do NOT USE AI apps like ChatGPT as that may constitute plagiarism.

A fifteen to twenty (15-20) page paper is required for each elective textbook or course work with Harvard University.

Candidate students must simply write a summary of the carefully read and allow a small period of time in order to allow the mind to “incubate” and for reflection of the material just read. English, proper grammar and syntax is carefully observed and graded. (Spelling and grammar are strictly observed when you work is submitted.)

Please use the “Chicago style” or references and writing.

Please review the article How to Submit Your Work to Us tab where details are described concerning submission of assignments.


The Master of Arts In Christian Apologetics & Science Research Studies degree program requires a total of 50 hours. This is comprised of six courses/textbooks assignments (30 hours) plus a ministry project comprised of a project/thesis writing (20 hours). Each textbook review/study write up and submission counts for 5 hour credit, for a total of 30 credits.

Four of the six required courses, must be core courses chosen from the list of Authorized See list of Textbooks provided below.

One of the electives MUST be from a course from university. This course may cost $ 149 dollars and you must obtain a certificate of completion from them, submit it to us in order to be given credit for it. This elective is worth 5 credits towards your degree.

As an alternative to the course, you may simply AUDIT it for free while the free promotion for that particular course is in effect. We can not guarantee that free audit will always be possible. However, you will need to provide us with evidence of completion from Harvard. edu and or any other educational facility that we choose to.

Up to two of the six required courses may be electives. Electives may be chosen from the Electives Page. Please note that, Alternate courses/textbooks may not be utilized.

All previously passed or taken Courses/Textbooks may not be utilized for more than one degree program.



*A Manual for Writers of Research Papers 

*Recommended Textbook prepares you for proper English writing and papers submission.

Pick six (6) of these textbooks. Or pick two On-Line Seminars and four textbooks as CORE material.

Or pick four core-courses, and two (2 ) of the “electives” textbooks from bellow or above, as electives material.


1) The Bible Study: A One-Year Study of the Bible and How It Relates to You (2-Volume Set Including the Old & New Testaments with Discussion Questions, Full-Color Pages, and a Daily & Weekly Study Guide) Paperback – January 1, 2017by Zach Windahl (Author)

* You must write a 5 page review for every Book of the Bible once it is read. There is a ONE YEAR time line for you to finish the reading and review of the Entire Bible as exposed by this textbook.

1a) Research Methodology Textbook- CORE REQUIRED

Evaluating Research: Methodology for People Who Need to Read Research 2nd Edition

By Francis C. Dane (Author)

Evaluating Research: Methodology for People Who Need to Read Research, Second Edition by Francis C. Daneoffers readers a straightforward presentation of the key components of research and the skills they need to read and evaluate it. The book covers a range of research that students are most likely to encounter, from experimental to field research, and archival to evaluation research.”

2) Defending Your Faith: An Introduction to Apologetics (Redesign)- CORE REQUIRED

Paperback – May 31, 2018

3) Share with Confidence: A Simple Introduction to Christian Apologetics- CORE REQUIRED  Paperback – March 1, 2019

4) Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design- CORE REQUIRED Paperback – Illustrated, June 22, 2010

5) Ultimate Proof of Creation Paperback – Illustrated, May 29, Jason Lisle(Author)

6) Keeping Faith in an Age of Reason: Refuting Alleged Bible Contradictions Paperback – October 26, Jason Lisle(Author)

7) The Physics of Einstein: Black holes, time travel, distant starlight, E=mc2 Paperback – January 18, Jason Lisle(Author)

8) Introduction to Logic Paperback – December 10, Jason Lisle(Author)

9) Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design. Paperback – June 3, 2014

[If you haven’t taken this course previously, you may use this as a CORE course]

10) Priest of Nature: The Religious Works of Isaac Newton 1st Edition

 On Line Seminars at Hawaii On Line University School of Theology

Irreducible Complexity of Molecular Machines:The “Needle Complex” debunked

On Line Seminars at Hawaii On Line University School of Theology

2) The Program that Programs our DNA : Epigenetics. The Program that Programs the DNA

Health can impact the genome, and the genome can impact our health.That’s Epigenetics. (Wikipedia,

Epigenetics is reversible. Mutations are not. However, we can reverse or “bring back some of the bad effects of epigenetics”. This is fact.




8) FREE online seminar- Difference Between Evolution & Adaptation

Effectively Refuting “Evolution” taught in Schools and Universities

9) Elective: Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design Paperback – Illustrated, June 22, Stephen C.Meyer (Author).

[If you haven’t taken this course, you may use this as an elective]

10) ELECTIVE: Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe. Hardcover – March 30, Stephen C. Meyer (Author)

[If you haven’t taken this course, you may use this as an elective]


11) ELECTIVE: Taking Back Astronomy: The Heavens Declare Creation Hardcover – June 1, 2006. by Jason Lisle(Author)

12) Elective: Christianity Through Its Scriptures

“Learn about Christianity through a study of its sacred scriptures”. You will explore how diverse Christians and nations throughout the centuries have interpreted Christ’s teachings, writings and practiced his teachings over a 2000 year history.

What you’ll learn

  • “What’s in the Bible, the book containing the sacred scriptures of Christians.
  • An overview of contents with a focus on diverse interpretations of well-known passages.
  • Exploration of select themes, such as how Christians approach diversity, attitudes toward non-Christian traditions, existential questions of suffering and violence, the encounter with modern science, the roles of women, liturgical time and pilgrimage.”