COA – Certified Ophthalmic Assistants
How to get you Certified Ophthalmic Assistant Certification
Hawaii On LIne University programs in Ophthalmic assistance, provides you with the ability to prepare to high quality training in the Ophthalmic field. Hawaii On Line University trades studies will prepare you in just 24 month how to learn, hands on, ophthalmic patient care.
The University promotes added value to your qualified Allied Ophthalmic Personnel (AOP) training, by helping you and your personnel procure a hands on approcah with all of our certifications and education in the Ophthalmic fields.
Certifications include the Certified Ophthalmic Assistant (COA®), Certified Ophthalmic Technicians (COT®), Certified Ophthalmic Medical Technologists (COMT®), and soon others.
How to get started