Easy to Study with Us

Our Proven Educational System

We tailor our programs and educational methods after the most accomplished universities in Europe and the USA or South Africa or South America.

As a new student or as a graduate student at Hawaii On-Line University you will be a member of a world-leading University, with departments internationally renowned for their research and the originality and significance of the work contributed by their academics.

Most students studying for a research degree also have an, at home supervisor or adviser who may be from a different school (if your research topic requires this). You may also be allocated a mentor, for some fee. This supporting team monitors your progress and may be involved in your assessment during the first year. Some departments and all Colleges also have a graduate tutor available for personal or professional problem-solving, and for feedback.

Your supervisor completes a report on your progress at the end of each term. They will also help you to clarify your ideas; ensure that you recognize and aim to meet the required standard; and point you in the direction of information and resources that should enable you to produce first-rate work. But only you can ensure that you take full advantage of all the educational facilities that are available. You will need to apply for and ask for all of the above benefits as soon as you are registered with Hawaii On-Line University academy. Some type of tutoring requires payment of services to staff and or mentors.

Supervising and Teaching Undergraduate Students

All graduate students, as a condition of their educational graduation and of acceptance to the university, most agree to supervise and or mentor lower classroom students and to tutor them when needed. The university does not remunerate any graduate students for their mentor work. Mentored students may, on their own, remunerate their mentors if they so wish.

Research students may have the opportunity to gain supervising and demonstrating experience by undertaking, when asked, some course teaching on behalf of Colleges and departments.

Supervisions involve the teaching of undergraduates in small groups of between one and four students at regular intervals throughout the term. Demonstrating involves helping academic staff in running laboratory classes and various teaching exercises such as drawing or computer-aided process engineering. Such experience can be immensely valuable in developing a wide range of transferrable skills which can be important for future career success, whether in academia or in other fields.

In order to ensure that this teaching does not affect your studies, such work is limited to a few hours a week (generally up to maximum of between six and ten hours), and although the work is sometimes paid (you must sign an agreement of payment with the administration before beginning to teach), it is not sufficient to make any meaningful contribution towards the cost of your studies.