Guiding Values

Our Guiding Values

  • A clear emphasis on research, true science and un-compromised conservative* values
  • Trustworthy content that is practical, scientifically truthful repeatable, and observable
  • A civil tone with knowledge, experience and firmness that communicates with conviction that we know what we teach
  • Journalistic excellence and professional integrity
  • Creative honest-teachings and a humble discontent with the existing-inaccurate status quo of misguided  21st Century theories, and other mis-interpreted mantras and teachings
  • Pegadogic development, education, and persistence on research
  • Financial health and strength through humble donation, estate and asset acceptance of charity to our institution
  • Focused, strategically-planned growth with a view to teaching the world the Truth of Science
  • Fully in agreement with conservative* teachings regarding ALL subjects
  • Conservative * based principles are pre-eminent in all things


Our students and our staff and all associates have a caring spirit and sincere compassion towards all, which kindly combines with professionalism, in order to serve each other and the communities we serve, without compromising our ethical and conservative * values.


We, as students and staff understand that our institution is built and depends on TRUST of each other and the unshaken belief that defending our established tenets and values * in its entirety, without white washing its contents nor taking any un-authorized exceptions or rationalizations, is the foremost duty of each one of us

Leaders Are Our Core Students

We are looking for Intellectually curious and devoted students, leaders, who will influence with Truth and the scientific value of the University, the world wide educational community, and the broader culture on Earth in order to turn the tide of “truth” that is not being taught in today’s universities, some “Christian” based faiths, or in the cultural and educational environment

Leading Is Our Core Calling


We will study, instruct, and work together incessantly to support each other, the spirit of the Institution, our present and future students and communities with the ultimate goal of glorifying the Truth of Science with ultimately points to righteousness, collaboration and Universal harmony and the purpose for which man is here (“From Information to Man” ©®).

Strategically informing and influencing Science, as we engage the entire cultures of the World for rightness sake.


Echeverria, F. (2018). What is the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project? Human DNA Research. Retrieved from


  • By conservative we mean strict adhearance: Original Judeo-Christian values


Footnote and References:

“From Information to Man” ©®



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