New Marine Biology- Earth History and Geology Lab Facility

Hawaiian Islands are Young- Not more than a few thousand years

The recent violent activity and eruption on Kilauea, at the Big Island of Hawaii is giving us an impressive lesson on the formation of these Islands. We stand in awe at the creative and destructive power of lava at the same time. Our hearts go out to our neighbor residents and we publish this with respect for our affected friends. We regret to see how many lives are being changed and or homes destroyed by the path of the lava. This is all very emotional to us who live in Hawaii as well. Our simpathy goes to everyone there in Pahoa and sorrounding affected areas.

We are seeing first hand account how the island of Hawaii is changing and growing all the time. At the same time we see how Creation is taking place right before our very eyes. And this didn’t take millions of years !

As of December 2012, new lava had added about 500 acres of land to the Big Island. And, recently as of 2018 there have been additional 460 acres of land added.
(Jennifer Young, 2014) said in her blog that “By December 2012, flows had covered 125.5 km2 (48.4 mi2) with about 4 km3 (1 mi3) of lava, and had added 202 hectares (500 acres) of new land to Kīlauea’s southeastern shore.”  (Echeverria, 2018)

Volcano Discovery Magazine, said on Sunday, Jul 01, 2018, “Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Washington (VAAC) issued the following report: Kilauea volcano update: Kilauea, Lower East Rift zone: eruption continues with lava overflows again threatening property in Kapoho Beach Lots and the new lava delta growing to 460 acres.” (“Kilauea volcano,” 2018) ( emphasis ours).

According to Clarey (2016), “geologists attribute the formation of the islands to recent activity… Geophysicist John Baumgardner demonstrated that the plates would have moved much more quickly..—at rates of several yards per second—creating the Hawaiian Islands just thousands of years ago (Clarey, 2016).

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