About Us


Strictly Observable Science


HawaiiOnlineUniversity.org is not an accredited institution by the Department of Education of Hawaii or any other regulatory organization in the USA. We are not associated in any way with the State University of Hawaii. UH (University of Hawaii).

Hawaii On Line University is an apologetics and Bible Based degree granting institution. It provides digital distance education whose teachings are based on True Science, Biblical Ethics, and it is based strictly on Judeo-Christian principles and modern day family values*.

We subscribe strictly to the most extant, and oldest manuscripts of the Greek and Hebrews scriptures as originally written by the appointed Apostles of Jesus, the Nazarene and early Hebrew scribes.

We are based in, Hawaii.

Our Motto is: “From Information to Man©® (Meaningful Information to Man).

(This is a copyrighted statement that belongs to HawaiiOnLineUniversity.org)

Example of Professors who teach on “relation between faith and science”.

Our Instructors

The Chairman and founder of Hawaii On Line University has taught at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, as well as Chaminade University in Honolulu, and other reputable universities for over 20 years.

We have also taught home-schooled students in all STEM subjects.  Subjects taught include Computer Science, Digital design, Computer Applications, STEM based subjects, Math, Calculus, Pre Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Genetics, Ophthalmic and Hearing science practices https://mauihomeschool.blogspot.com/p/my-credentials.html

The Chairman has also conducted, both On Line and live, in person,  STEM based and Computer Science classes in South America in the Spanish Language to businesses, and at the Navy Officer’s School in Ecuador.

What you will learn ?

You will be taught in the ways of scientific truth. Never on extrapolating,  conjectures, that have little and absolutely no foundation in today’s educational system, which have nevertheless hijacked the “modern world” of science. (Prof. Louis Bounoure, 1984).

We will never teach philosophical concepts that are “starved of observational evidence as there is no credible mechanism for macroevolution and the evidence they claim in support of it is totally equivocal.”

Since we are research-based and non denomination religious institution, we can afford to be completely dispassionate but accurate about, biblical, scientific, and or other facts. Therefore, we adhere to teachings that are only in harmony with, time proven, conservative* based repeatable biblical research, repeatable science and ethics.

Since we have done extensive scientific and other biblical research, we have also done studies on the original history and beliefs of most early scientists.

We are no different than the Founders of early modern science- such as Johannes Kleper, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, James Prescott Joule, John Dalton, William Morley, George Stokes, Dr. William Prout, Louis Pasteur,Gregor Mendel, Charles Stine, James Maxwell, and countless other late-nineteen and earlier century scientists – who acknowledged that a rational mind is behind the order, and design, of the Universe (Meyer, 2009) and (Plourde, McManamy, Snyder, Meier, & Simpson, 2014), (Armstrong, 2008).

Our core teaching structure is based on the most extant Judeo-Christian Scriptures, including natural science courses. We excel in Theology, Apologetics, Math, Chemistry, Physics, Genetics, Biology, Medicine based (all Bible based sciences) disciplines among others.

It is our aim & intention to help students reach their Associate, Bachelor, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Apologia, and Biblical studies.

We use guidelines of reputable organizations such as JCAHPO We are NOT associated in any way with any of the above institutions, however, we follow closely and direct our students to their resources when obtaining any of the above certificates, in addition to our course of studies in the Natural Sciences.

*By “conservative” we mean, non-denominational, Judeo-Christian based ethics and tenets. Under no circumstance we deviate from  the principles stated by these ethics.

Our Composition and Mixture

We are looking for parents, professors, scientists, engineers and truth seeking students, who see the urgent need to propagate the truth about science and how intelligent, meaningful information, not chance, led to the origins and arrival of man (Meyer, 2009).

We see and read every day, with dismay – evidence that most of us and our children are being “bullied” – by the government, universities and schools, self promoting movements or campaigns, and even other prominent leaders, Christians, non-Christians, religious and political influential figures – into believing, unethical, unproven and unscientific teachings as “facts” that are contrary to True Science, conservative* ethics and Bible based, Godly based human conscience, and nature.

We have finally come to realize that ourselves, and our children, are being forced and taught hypothesis, theories, force fed and – tested- to accept life styles, concepts and ideas – that are in complete disagreement with true science, with Judeo-Christian teachings, and reproducible scientific facts.

We do not accept nor teach unproven theories based on guess work and extrapolation that have nothing to do with the real scientific world and practical applications.

We can see, easily that textbooks, science books, biology manuals, strata theories, paleontology, theories of light, fossil forensics, physics, chemistry, and science in general change often, with a new edition or sometimes with a new, albeit faulty “evolutionary” theory. Thus, we adhere to textbooks that have stability and scientific repeatability. Our programs include no guess work, no unproven theoretical guesses. We use the guidance and summary teachings of the Bible, and true science as our manuals of training.

True Scientists are great discoverers, and hard working humans, and in general have made marvelous advancement in every field, however, some of the new theories (on evolution) are out of line with reality, factual science, totally fallible and in need of correction on a constant basis.

On the other hand, the Universe is immutable and reliable-there is no guesswork. The laws of chemistry, physics, thermodynamics, mathematics, biology do not change frivolously [except by supernatural miracles]. The Extant Versions of the Biblical writings, as written by the Apostles of Jesus do not change (Phil 2: 5-11). They are exact. Otherwise, the Universe would not exist (Wile, Dr., 2017, p. 268).

Thus, ourselves, our children and we, as parents, must be prepared to bravely and emphatically defend the Scientific axioms based on Bible based, scientific, unquestionable facts.

The only proper way to do this is through – Facts based Science education – and Indisputable research and findings that includes Biblical research studies, Chemistry, Physics, Genetics, Biology, Information Science and DNA Research, all based on observable and reproducible facts.

If we and our children are properly educated, we will be equipped to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” and based on knowledge. We will not fear the evolutionist, the misinformed & the well-meaning, but partially educated theistic clergy, the secular, and humanistic based, educated “professor” who denies the act of an intelligent Creation. We will have facts at hand to respectfully contradict what he or she erroneously is trying to convince us, or our children of.

The acquisition and pursuit of true knowledge never ends. We are committed to constantly learn and continue researching true and observable science that is based on reproducible facts.

Our Mentors and Predecessors

Thousands of brilliant and accomplished scientists have already seen the need to stand up for true reproducible science.

Those whom we emulate at our University are Scientists like Dr. Lyubka Tancheva  who is an “Associate professor of neuropharmacology at the International of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Dr. Lyubka’s area of research is experimental neuropharmacology. She’s head of a team searching for neuropharmacological agents that can change and improve learning and memory.”

The most basic tenets and root of our institution are based on the following statement of belief: Core Tenets

Our Mission

Hawaii On Line University, and The Hawai’i School of True Science (HSTS) Academy is a private, tutor based organization (under Computer Integrations, Inc, founded in 2001 in the State of Hawaii).

HawaiiOnlineUniversity.org is not an accredited institution by the Dept of Hawaii or the Dept. of Education of any State in the USA.

The mission of this Academy is to help educate early students and young students bound for universities, in person and on line -including virtual university and home schooled – in order to promote true scientific research & education that will propagate to the rest of the world.

This Tutoring Academy is dedicated to develop programs and research of Biblical Studies, Apologetics, and for the sciences and learning communities based on True Science and -Research Based on Observations- and not on scientism.


Our vision is to see True Science vindicated once again and to correct lack of evidence thinking, so that all children, from K – 12, to university and doctoral students all over the world, who want to learn the truth about life’s origins with True Facts -will do so without being confused into believing, made up theories and ideas – that are based on un-provable science – and questionable “facts”.

* Scientism: The belief that secular based science is the only reliable source of Truth (Axe, 2016).

Basic Tenets

Basic Principles and Tenets of Our Bible Based College & Scientific Institution


The principal of Hawaii On Line University have taught at the University of Hawaii STEM based subjects, and at various other schools and universities in the USA and South America.

We welcome you to find the Truth about Science.

Hawaii On-Line University.org


World Association of On Line Education Subscribers


Family Research Council (Accessed August 14, 2024)

Ray, B., Ph. D. (2018). Research Facts on Home Schooling, (HomeSchool Fast Facts). Retrieved from https://www.nheri.org/research-facts-on-homeschool…

Meyer, S., C. (2009). Signature in the Cell. Harper Collins Publishers.

Plourde, K., M. S., McManamy, M. M., Ph. ., Snyder, C., Ph. ., Meier, B., M. A., & Simpson, D., M. S. (2014). Exploring Creation with Chemistry (3rd ed.).

Armstrong, C. (2008). The Christian DNA of Modern Genetics. Retrieved from https://www.christianitytoday.com/history/2008/august/christian-dna-of-modern-genetics.html

Professor Lous Bounoure, “‘Evolutionism is a fairy tale for grown-ups. This theory has helped nothing in the progress of science. It is useless. — Prof. Louis Bounoure (Former President of the Biological Society of and Director of the Strasbourg Zoo­logical Museum, later Director of Research at the French National Centre of Scientific Research), as quoted in The Advocate, Thursday 8 March 1984, p. 17.”

Tancheva Dr., L. (n.d.). The science of saving souls. Haggai International. Retrieved from http://www.haggai-international.org/stories/lyubka-tancheva/

Thaxton, C., Ph. D. (ND). Charles Thaxton, Fellow-Center for Science and Culture. Discovery Institute. Retrieved from https://www.discovery.org/p/96

Wile, Dr., J., L. (2017). Exploring Creation with Physics I (2nd ed.). Apologia Educational Ministries, Inc.

Echeverria, F. (2017). Distance Learning- Home Schooling, “Produce better educational results than traditonal education.” Retrieved March 14, 2018, from https://creationhomeschooler.blogspot.com/p/will-y…

Dr. Tancheva has also created an organization comprised of young Christian Ph.D. students called Good Future and Hope.

Beyond Today. (2018). Greek Philosophy’s Influence on the Trinity Doctrine. Retrieved July 5, 2018, from https://www.ucg.org/bible-study-tools/booklets/is-god-a-trinity/greek-philosophys-influence-on-the-trinity-doctrine

Sarfati, J. (2012). Islam, testimony, and the Trinity. Retrieved July 5, 2018, from https://creation.com/islam-testimony-trinity

Encyclopedia Britanica Editors. (2018). Tertulian. A Christian Theologian. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/biography/Tertullian

Encyclopedia Britanica Editors. (2018). https://www.ucg.org/bible-study-tools/booklets/is-god-a-trinity/greek-philosophys-influence-on-the-trinity-doctrine

  The Trinity- Fact or Fiction?

Morris, Ph.D, H. (2006). Evolution – Impossible to Embarass its Believers. Retrieved from https://www.tasc-creationscience.org/article/evolution-impossible-embarass-its-believers

(II Timothy 4:4)

Phil 2: 5-11 (https://biblia.com/bible/esv/philippians/2/5-11?ssi=0)


*We strictly adhere to the Judeo-Christian based ethics and tenets

  • We are not associated with FRC.org (Family Research Council). We admire their tenets

Nature Magazine stated:“Some attempts to account for the origin of life on the Earth, however ingenious, have shared much with imaginative literature and little with theoretical inference of the kind which can be confronted with observational evidence of some kind or another” (Nature, ND).

Our science based tutoring programs, which by necessity include life origins, is strictly based on facts of observational, reproducible and proven Science. Therefore, we de-emphasize and completely negate fable theories regarding the “Evolution of Man”, as many well accomplished modern scientists do (Thaxton, ND).

We are part of thousands of  scientists who have a high regard for true science and the Universe we live in. http://www.haggai-international.org/stories/lyubka-tancheva/ 

“Evolutionists tell the public that the science behind evolution is the same science that sent people to the moon and cures diseases. It’s not”.

“The science behind evolution is not empirical, but forensic. Because evolution [supposedly] took place in history, its scientific investigations are after the fact—no testing, no observations, no repeatability, no falsification, nothing at all like physics…. this is what the public discerns—that evolution is just a bunch of just-so stories disguised as legitimate science” (Morris, Ph.D, 2006).

As part of our vision and mission, No student, instructor or staff will divert their instruction, learning or studies from the above mission and purpose.

NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY Hawaii On Line University Christian Bible College admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. We do not discriminate based on race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, scholarship or loan programs. Hawaii On Line University Christian Bible College does not discriminate in admission or employment practices in its program and activities with respect to those with impaired vision, hearing or physical mobility.

Updated June 4th, 2024.

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