HOU-GL 1201 Language Arts (WWW Technology I)

3 semester hours.

Students select one semester course of any foreign language study. This may include linguistics or second level English in order to fulfill this requirement. As a student you will engage in  constructing, analyzing, and employing human basic language or any derivative of the language formed after the language difusion at Babylon.



You may choose on of the following languages

    • HOU-FR 1101 Elementary French I
    • HOU-FR 1102 Elementary French II
    • HOU-ESP 2101       Elementary Spanish I
    • HOU-ESP 2202         Advanced Spanish II


Calculus I- 1151 -Calculus For Scientists and Engineers

Hawaii On-Line University. Courses that teach science and technology with axioms of truth.

These are online and hybrid sections of Math 1151 where the students have online, interactive lessons for each topic instead of the traditional in-person lectures.

Please click on the following link to go to their FREE Calculus On-Line course from OSU

This course is shown as a courtesy of Ohio State University Free online courses program under the

Creative Commons License

Calculus 1 Online Lessons (Math 1151)

There are online and hybrid sections of Math 1151 where the students have online, interactive lessons for each topic instead of the traditional in-person lectures.  To benefit all Math 1151 students, the MSLC is making these online, interactive lessons available on their website to all students.


HOU-218.01- Single-Variable Calculus- Version A- Calculus Part I- Free Course

This is a free course given by MIT under The

Creative Commons License

Single Variable Calculus

Secant approximation mathlet from the d’Arbeloff Interactive Math Project. Image courtesy of Haynes Miller, Heidi Burgiel, and J.-M. Claus.

Reference: David Jerison. 18.01SC Single Variable Calculus. Fall 2010. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, https://ocw.mit.edu. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.



Course Features

Course Description

This calculus course covers differentiation and integration of functions of one variable, and concludes with a brief discussion of infinite series. Calculus is fundamental to many scientific disciplines including physics, engineering, and economics.

Course Format

Click to get started.This course has been designed for independent study. It includes all of the materials you will need to understand the concepts covered in this subject. The materials in this course include:

  • Lecture Videos with supporting written notes
  • Recitation Videos of problem-solving tips
  • Worked Examples with detailed solutions to sample problems
  • Problem sets with solutions
  • Exams with solutions
  • Interactive Java Applets (“Mathlets”) to reinforce key concepts


David Jerison. 18.01SC Single Variable Calculus. Fall 2010. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, https://ocw.mit.edu. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

HOU 18.02 Multi-Variable Calculus- Calculus Part II – Free Course

Multivariable Calculus offered by MIT under the Creative Commons License

Course Home

OCW Scholar

Graph of an eighth of a sphere.

Directional derivatives for functions of two variables. (Image courtesy of John B. Lewis.)


Prof. Denis Auroux



Cite This Course. 

Reference: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/18-02sc-multivariable-calculus-fall-2010/#

Course Features

Course Description

This course covers differential, integral and vector calculus for functions of more than one variable. These mathematical tools and methods are used extensively in the physical sciences, engineering, economics and computer graphics.

Course Formats

Click to get started.The materials have been organized to support independent study. The website includes all of the materials you will need to understand the concepts covered in this subject. The materials in this course include:

  • Lecture Videos recorded on the MIT campus
  • Recitation Videos with problem-solving tips
  • Examples of solutions to sample problems
  • Problem for you to solve, with solutions
  • Exams with solutions
  • Interactive Java Applets (“Mathlets”) to reinforce key concepts

5.112 Principles of Chemical Science- Chemistry

Principles of Chemical Science

Linear combinations of atomic orbitals for tetrahedral methane.

Linear combinations of H 1s atomic orbitals that match nodal properties of C 2p atomic orbitals for tetrahedral methane. (Figure by MIT OpenCourseWare.)

MIT Course Number




Translated Versions


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Need help getting started? Or do you need help with this particular subject. Please contact us for tutoring lessons.

Course Features

Course Description

5.112 is an introductory chemistry course for students with an unusually strong background in chemistry. Knowledge of calculus equivalent to MIT course 18.01 is recommended. Emphasis is on basic principles of atomic and molecular electronic structure, thermodynamics, acid-base and redox equilibria, chemical kinetics, and catalysis. The course also covers applications of basic principles to problems in metal coordination chemistry, organic chemistry, and biological chemistry.