Doctor of Philosophy in Pastoral Ministry

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) in Ministry & Christian Education

* Please see caveats*

Program of Study

The Doctor of Philosophy in Ministry & Christian Education 1 is a higher education academic degree that concentrates on advanced study and research in the field of pastoral ministry in the Christian Education. The program is designed for individuals who have completed a Masters degree in any related field, and who maybe engaged in pastoral ministry. A person seeking this advanced degree may see the need to enhance their knowledge, skills, and expertise in their field of preaching and ministry to others in the Christian Faith.

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy in Ministry & Christian Education common requirements include:

  • A bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in any acceptable subject (as accepted by Hawaii Online University), in a related or educational field and or ministry training (Official Transcripts are required).
  • A minimum of some experience in the ministry or as a Christian minister. Must provide history, a letter of reference (from an accredited, acceptable church or synagogue) and or evidence from Church served at.
  • A strong academic record and research potential.
  • * Hawaii On Line University Bible College reserves the right to admit any person to its program(s) of study.

Coursework and Research

The Doctor of Philosophy in  Ministry & Christian Education program typically includes coursework and exciting research in areas such as:

  • Theology and biblical studies
  • Pastoral care and counseling
  • Preaching and homiletic
  • Leadership and administration
  • Research methods and statistics
  • Apologia and Bible Based Science
  • Natural Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Biology for the advancement of the Christian Ministry

Career Opportunities

Hawaii On Line University of Apologetics and Bible Studies does not guarantee that any graduate of our school will be accepted in any of the available work openings in the secular work, military or anywhere in the ministry.

Graduates of the Doctor of Philosophy in Ministry & Christian Education program generally pursue a variety of career opportunities, such as:

  • Teaching in theological seminaries
  • Clinical services in pastoral care and counseling settings
  • Leadership within the academy, clinic, and church
  • Research and writing in the field of pastoral ministry

Overall, the Doctor of Philosophy in Ministry & Christian Education- is a rigorous, scholarly, research oriented study of the Bible, the natural sciences, and biblical history. It is a prestigious degree that can enhance the knowledge, skills, and expertise of ministry professionals and prepare them for leadership roles in their field.

Please, verify with government, or hiring institutions if the degree obtained from Hawaii On Line University of Apologetics and Bible Studies will be accepted by the work offering institution.





Courses / Min Hours


Total # of Courses

Total of 8 courses (40 Hours)

Core Courses Equivalent to  5 Textbooks Plus two (2) Free On-Line Seminars

Electives= 2 Electives

Core & Electives


20 Hours Credit

60-100 pages (Excluding bibliography)

Core Course Req’d

Minimum 4 Textbooks Plus (2) two free on line serminars

Only Authorized Texts

Only Authorized free on line seminars

Electives Courses

Maximum 2

Only-Authorized Texts or On Line Seminars

Summary of Biblical and Teaching Experience Accepted As Determined by Administration Experience Only as Approved by Dean of School

Additional expenses for graduation fee and diploma issuing.

Note Important: Tuition DOES NOT include any core or electives textbooks. These must be purchased by you, on your own expense, at your desired book distributor or if you like via

Conditional FREE TUITION STUDIES -Doctoral Program

TIME TO COMPLETION: IT MAY TAKE BETWEEN 2 TO 4 YEARS, OR MORE to complete this program. (It may take less of more, depending on your own progress)

Deferred Tuition

Study FREE until you finish your program. SEE CONDITIONS

(Note: This is separate from Graduation)

The only thing you have to pay for is, Registration:

The cost to register for this program is $ 50 US dollars. This is a NON-REFUNDABLE fee. Please be sure to read and verify that you will want to engage in this program of study- before you pay for this Registration Fee.

Conditionally Free Cost of the Program:

THIS program is absolutely FREE to study until you finish your studies. All of your assignments including grading of research papers and thesis are graded for FREE.(Program MUST be finished within 2 years).

You do NOT have to pay anything, unless you decide to ORDER your Doctoral diploma and obtain Certification of studies Completion of the doctoral program from HawaiiOnLine *

* Hawaii On Line University reserves the right to issue any certificate of completion or degree diploma to any one, unless you have completed to our satisfaction (Hawaii On Line University’s) the required program of study and capstone thesis requirements.

*All Students must provide proper ID throughout their course of study AND AT THE COMPLETION of their studies in order to verify their proper student Identity before DIPLOMA is issued.

This is a rigorous study, rigorous research and rigorous investigative program that will prepare you to learn, as in any other university in the world.

You MUST pass each course, and all written assignments with a minimum of 70%. All rules of English, Syntax, Grammar and punctuation will be CAREFULLY graded before you obtain a passing grade. (Contrary to nay-Sayers, we are NOT a Diploma Mill).

We are a learning institution that requires you to study and carefully research the program/subject matter as in any other Ivy League or Reputable university in the world.

Cost to obtain certification that you have completed and graduated with a Doctoral degree will be $ 2,600 US dollars.(Split your payments if needed. Diploma will be shipped, issued when payment has been made in full)

Graduation exercises, if any at our home base in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii will be decided at time of graduation. (This costs may include costs for your air-fare, your hotel stay, you graduation dinner and ceremonies at a determined place in the vicinity of our university).

Note Important: Tuition and or registration DOES NOT include any core or electives textbooks. Does not include any seminars with Harvard University. (These electives must be paid by you).

All textbook or additional material must be purchased by you, at your desired book distributor or if you like via


DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in MINISTRY and CHRISTIAN EDUCATION program will enable the student or approved candidate to immerse in the studies of the area of evangelism, missionary work, and a leading role in as a teacher in any school or church to help children grow strong in the Christian work and training.

The program consists of eight courses, developed via reading, and research through assigned textbooks or seminars which are the equivalent of forty hours of study. There is also carefully written thesis project, which is the equivalent of twenty hours of study.

Texts will need to be selected from the list of Authorized Textbooks shown below. You may, if so liked, order all textbooks simultaneously at the same time. However, all assignments must be submitted FIRST one at a time.

Once a textbook is read. It is recommended you do additional research related to that particular subject. The doctoral candidate must do thorough research based on the book subject, and subsequently submit a 10 to 20 page paper describing in their own words what was read and researched. The paper will need to be submitted for grading. Minimum passing grade is “C”.

Allow the material to “incubate”within a short period of time for reflection, and then write about the material just read.


After all eight subjects have been reviewed and properly graded by Hawaii On Line University the following must take place:

The doctoral candidate must write a summary of 60-100 pages (excluding Bibliography or Reference). This project/paper is required for your thesis, or ministry project. Please use the “Chicago style” or references and writing.

Please review the article How to Submit Your Work to Us tab where details are described concerning submission of assignments.



The DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in MINISTRY and CHRISTIAN EDUCATION degree program requires a total of 60 hours. This is comprised of eight courses (40 hours) plus a ministry project (20 hours).

Six of the eight required subjects, must be 4 core courses and 2 seminars chosen from the list of Authorized textbooks and seminars provided below.

Up to two of the required courses may be electives. Electives may be chosen from the Electives Page. Please note that, Alternate courses/textbooks may not be utilized.

All previously passed or taken Courses/Textbooks may not be utilized for more than one degree program.



A Manual for Writers of Research Papers 

Recommended Textbook prepares you for proper English writing and papers submission.

These textbooks may be modified and or changed by administration (except when the student has signed in advance the program of study).

* We are not sponsored by any of the authors of any book used in our program

Recommended:  Abstracts of Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) Hardcover – August 24, 2018

By University of Wisconsin (Author)


1a)  The Bible Study: A One-Year Study of the Bible and How It Relates to You (2-Volume Set Including the Old & New Testaments with Discussion Questions, Full-Color Pages, and a Daily & Weekly Study Guide) Paperback – January 1, 2017. by Zach Windahl (Author)


**You must write a 5 page review for every Book of the Bible once it is read. There is a ONE YEAR time line for you to finish the reading and review of the Entire Bible as exposed by this textbook.

1) Research Methodology Textbook- CORE REQUIRED

Evaluating Research: Methodology for People Who Need to Read Research 2nd Edition

By Francis C. Dane (Author)

Evaluating Research: Methodology for People Who Need to Read Research, Second Edition by Francis C. Daneoffers readers a straightforward presentation of the key components of research and the skills they need to read and evaluate it. The book covers a range of research that students are most likely to encounter, from experimental to field research, and archival to evaluation research.”

2. Paul’s Spirit of Peace: A Study in Biblical Theology (Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Series) CORE REQUIRED Paperback – August 29, 2023

by Ralf Lubs (Author)

3. Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design – CORE REQUIRED Illustrated, June 22, 2010 by Stephen C. Meyer (Author)

4. Can Science Explain Everything? (Oxford Apologetics) Paperback – January 1, 2019- CORE REQUIRED

by John Lennox (Author)

5. Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design Paperback – June 3, 2014

by Stephen C. Meyer (Author)

6. Evolution’s Final Days: The Mounting Evidence Disproving The Theory of Evolution Paperback – March 25, 2019

by John Morrison (Author)

7. Newton — Rationalizing Christianity, or Not?

A rational study of Isaac Newton’s Theological Beliefs

{“This is an edited transcript of a talk presented by Prof. R. W. Picard during the Independent Activities Period at MIT, for The Faith of Great Scientists, a series that also included presentations by colleagues on Faraday and Kepler in 1997, and on Boyle, Maxwell and Pascal in 1998.}

These are third party, writings. Please approach them in a professional and scholarly manner, as you would be expected when speaking to a public, educated audience. Expose the facts, as you see them, only.

Review and Research of this subject requires that you Research and go back to the Earliest or most Extant manuscripts of John 1:1 and 1 John 5: verses 7- 8.

We expect your research to be rigorous, rational, scholastic, dispassionate, non dogmatic (please), but based entirely on the extant scriptures of the Bible. It must not be emotional, and it must be non-denominational. Respect your fellow students faith’s and particular beliefs. Most of our students do NOT agree with the Trinitarian belief of mainline churches.

Remember to practice Christian values. We candidly discuss doctrines of Trinity and Non-Trinity. Remember, some of these are doctrines (established after the death of Jesus), not teachings from Jesus or his apostles -as found in the earliest extant scriptures.

*The college, professors, or its administrators will NOT tolerate any verbal, religious or intellectual abuse speech towards any of your fellow Christian students. Please, remember, that you are not here to PROSELYTIZE, your are here to LEARN and research about Christianity and its history.

Failure to observe this rule of conduct and behavior will include instant expulsion of the doctoral and any other program. (The Bible College observes ZERO tolerance towards intellectual or Jesus based Christian religious non-tolerance and or abuse. State your facts respectfully and observe logic at all times.) We are looking for FACTS not OPINION.

State the facts as you see them and report them in your book review. Your world view will not affect your grades, in any way whatsoever. Just state the facts as you understand them and back them up with the literature and your research. State the facts, not your opinion.

As it may be obvious, subjects studied are controversial, we expect your work to be scholarly, factual, based on research, and not emotional or based on previous religious convictions.

8. Additional Work on Isaac Newton’s Theological Writings

Review and Research of this subject requires that you Research and go back to the Earliest or most Extant manuscripts of the Bible (This means study based on Biblical research from manuscripts dating to the very 1st Century A.D).

Again, base your research on rational, scholastic, dispassionate, not on emotional, or dogmatic views. State the facts as you see them and report them in your book review.

Since this may be a controversial issue with millions of Christians, we expect your work to be scholarly and rigorous.

Isaac Newton was a man who knew that life came from an intelligent agent. He had his own original beliefs. One of many of Isaac Newton’s writings is that he disagreed with the Christian Trinity doctrine, which has been made popular by [through fear and reprisal by the Catholic and Protestant churches]  many of today’s traditional & established Christian churches”. (italics ours)

Of Newton it has been said, “Whatever credence we give to his religious researches today, they were the products of the same brilliant, rational, and intellectually daring analyst who contributed so much to science and mathematics.” Rob Iliffe, a professor of intellectual history and the history of science at the University of Sussex.(

See: Newton’s unorthodox theology and his project to restore Christianity

Isaac NewtonTheology, Prophecy, Science and Religion

Isaac Newton: A Short Introduction

**Degree recipients of our school  do not necessarily endorse all of the theological statements or positions of Hawaii On Line University Bible College. However, all of their research and reporting must be in agreement with original and extant Bible Scriptures of original creators of Christianity*

9) FREE ENROLLMENT: online seminar- Difference Between Evolution & Adaptation

Simply create a user ID and a password to enroll in this FREE ONLINE SEMINAR

Effectively Refuting “Evolution” taught in Schools and Universities

Other On Line Seminars at Hawaii On Line University School of Theology

1) Evolution is Easy to Debunk

Rice University and OpenStax & Texbooks Deceive Biology Students: Biology online TextBook at OpenStax

This online “textbook” suffers from the same misconception derived in our earlier essay.

While the author(s) believes that “evolution” is a product of “natural selection” it is quite evident that he or she or them do not understand or know the difference between true “evolution” and natural selection.

On Line Seminars at Hawaii On Line University School of Theology

2) The World Crisis in Education

On Line Seminars at Hawaii On Line University School of Theology

3) Scientists today* who do NOT accept the “Theory of Evolution”

Options 2 and 3 must be combined as one Core Subject.

Research on both options must be done in order to get 5 credit for this option.


ELECTIVES (Choose two electives maximum).

9. Isaac Newton Classics: Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John Paperback – January 24, 2020

by saac Newton (Author)

10. Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution Paperback – January 21, 2020

by Michael J. Behe (Author)

11. Ultimate Proof of Creation. Paperback – Illustrated, May 29, 2009

by Dr Jason Lisle (Author)

12. The Physics of Einstein: Black holes, time travel, distant starlight, E=mc2. Paperback – January 18, 2018

by Jason Lisle (Author)

13. Astronomical Evidence Earth is Young

Echeverria, 2014 (Free reeding)

Also : Hawaiian Islands are Young- Not more than a few thousand years. Hawaii On Line (Free reading)

These two websites must be read and researched by the student in conjunction so as to write a critical, detailed report of their findings. Do they corroborate with the earliest extant manuscripts of Bible? If so why?

14) The Big Book of Bible Difficulties: Clear and Concise Answers from Genesis to Revelation Paperback – June 1, 2008

by Norman L. Geisler (Author), Thomas Howe


Doctor of Philosophy in Pastoral Ministry  (PhD) | Bethel Bible College And Seminary.” Accessed May 31, 2024.

1“Doctor of Philosophy in Pastoral Ministry (PhD) | Bethel Bible College And Seminary.”