Calculus I- 1115

Weekly Calendar: Don’t forget, we have a quiz on Friday on Chapters 4-6


Hawaii On-Line University. Courses that teach science and technology with axioms of truth.

These are online and hybrid sections of Math 1151 where the students have online, interactive lessons for each topic instead of the traditional in-person lectures.

Please click on the following link to go to their FREE Calculus On-Line course from OSU

This course is shown as a courtesy of Ohio State University Free onlin courses program.

Calculus 1 Online Lessons (Math 1115)

There are online and hybrid sections of Math 1115 where the students have online, interactive lessons for each topic instead of the traditional in-person lectures.  To benefit all Math 1115 students, the MSLC is making these online, interactive lessons available on their website to all students.

This course has been designed for independent study. It includes all of the materials you will need to understand the concepts covered in this subject. The materials in this course include:

  • Lecture Videos with supporting written notes
  • Recitation Videos of problem-solving tips
  • Worked Examples with detailed solutions to sample problems
  • Problem sets with solutions
  • Exams with solutions
  • Interactive Java Applets (“Mathlets”) to reinforce key concepts



Required Readings

Self paced- One Chapter at a time. Then write a review as expected.

Lecture Notes

More Lectures

Lecture 03 + Quiz + Group Projects Starting

Lecture 3 & Quiz + Projects as a group



Required Readings

One Chapter / week

Lecture Notes

Lecture 04 + Lecture 05 + Quiz Scores

Required Readings

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Lecture 06 + Lecture 07 + Lecture 08

Required Readings

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes.

Midterms Review + Group Project Drafts Due

Required Readings

Lecture Notes


Midterm Study Guide

Required Readings

Lecture Notes


Midterm Review + Lecture 09

Required Readings

Lecture Notes


Lecture 10 + Lecture 11 + Lecture 12

Required Readings

Lecture Notes


Lecture 13 + Lecture 14 + Lecture 15

Required Readings

Lecture Notes


Final Study Guide

Required Readings

Lecture Notes

More Notes.

Group Projects Due + Finals Review

Required Readings

Lecture Notes

Final Notes.