
Volunteer Instructors

We are looking for volunteer instructors that possess a Ph.D. in any of the the sciences and or in Education, who are in agreement with our tenets and research as regards our mission and vision.

As a graduate from an accredited institution we thank you for greatly contributing to the beginning of the end of “inaccurate” teachings.

We are looking for instructors in the following subjects:

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Physics- Relativity and Mechanical Engineering
  • Bio-Medical Engineering
  • Genetics Engineering
  • Education
  • Medicine. Medical Doctors (MD’s)

Your volunteering positions will only extend during one semester of teaching.  You must be in agreement with our goals, vision and mission.  Our tenets , mission and vision.

Master’s Degrees Professors

  • We are also accepting volunteer applications from University Professor who possess a Master’s in any of the above subjects as well.You must be in complete agreement with our goals, vision and mission.  Our tenets , mission and vision.


There is no earthly compensation for any of the volunteer work you do for this institution. However, your name will be placed in the list of the honorable persons who helped turn the tide on present day education.


If you would like to be part of our institution on these terms, please send us an email. We will be delighted to correspond with you and start the process of your valuable teaching here.