Our Mission

Our Mission

The mission of Hawaii On Line University includes goals committed to cultivating workforce development initiatives and partnerships, which champion advocates of community for the State of Hawaii, the USA,  and the entire world.  Hawaii On Line University deeply values its local culture, its global community partnerships with local and world-wide medical, commercial and nonprofit organizations.

The culture of Hawaii, and at Hawaii On Line University embodies an ongoing commitment to outstanding cultural and career preparation, business and industry training, and learning through service that enhances the culture to the citizens of the State of Hawaii and the USA whose community our institution serves.

Hawaii On Line Unviversity and The Hawai’i School of True Science (HSTS) Academy are a private, organization (under Computer Integrations, Inc, founded in 2001). The mission of this Academy is to educate students in person and on line -including home schoolers and university students – in order to promote true scientific research & education that will propagate to the rest of the world.

This Academy is dedicated to develop programs and research for medicine, the sciences and learning communities based on True Science and -Research Based on Observations- and not on scientism*

In this respect we are no different than the Founders of early modern science- such as Johannes Kleper, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, John Dalton, William Morley, George Stokes, Dr. William Prout, Charles Stine, James Maxwell, and countless other late-nineteen and earlier century scientists – who acknowledged that a rational mind is behind the order, design, and creation of the Universe (Meyer, 2009) and (Plourde, McManamy, Snyder, Meier, & Simpson, 2014).

The principals have taught at the University of Hawaii STEM based subjects, and at various other schools and universities in the USA and South America.


* Scientism: – questionable theories or unfounded ideological leanings.